" CENTO LOVERS PLACE " PhotoBlog by Elaborus the ultimate blog for cento enthusiasts!: seicento: giannini (basic version - sportline gto)
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Saturday, November 21, 2009

seicento: giannini (basic version - sportline gto)

OFFICIAL SITE: http://www.gianniniautomobili.com

Source: http://www.fiatgaragegroup.it/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=1213

Giannini Seicento Sportline GTO



All the French MAGAZINES is from the:
Cinquento Sporting Club (France)
Source: http://www.500sporting.net/essai.htm


ECHAPPEMENT No 370 - 1998 - France


ECHAPPEMENT No 375 - 1998 - France


OPTION AUTO No 92 - 1998 - France
